International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics
The 2nd Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Sciences and Robotics (MACRo2010)
will be held at Sapientia University, Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences, Tîrgu Mures on May 14-15, 2010.
Contributions based on theoretical research, simulation, experimental work, design, development, testing and measurements are solicited for presentation at the conference.
The conference topics include, but are not limited to:
· Mechatronic systems
· Mechanical engineering
· Manufacturing
· Automation
· Computer science
· Robotics
· Telecommunication
Prospective authors are asked to submit a 4 page English language paper according to the template found here, no later than April 4, 2010.
Please send the paper to:
All the accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings (with ISBN number), and after the reviewing process, selected papers will be proposed for publication in the Acta Universitatis Sapientiae , the international scientific journal of the Sapientia University, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering series.
Conference registration fee is 30 Euro and includes participation, conference proceedings, coffee breaks, lunch, conference dinner and trip.
This Conference is organized with the financial support of "Szulofold Alap" foundation.
Parallel session - Industrial reality :

Industry vendors are kindly encouraged to sustain presentation in the University Aula during the conference on May 14.
Exposition stand (desk, chairs, poster wall) is available on request.
The language of the Conference is English.
Industry vendors are also encouraged to present their job opportunities coming in help of graduating students.
For presentations and/or exposition there are no fees, even so the organizing committee is thanking for sponsorship. The sponsoring company logo, short presentation and web link will be posted on Conference website and in the Conference Proceedings.
Important dates :
Extended deadline for paper submission:
11 April
Notification of acceptance:
18 - 25 April
Registration deadline :
7 May
14-15 May
Call for papers :
Call for papers can be downloaded fom here!
Paper template :
Paper template can be downloaded from here!
Accepted papers:
List of accepted papers can be accessed from here!
Registration form :
Registration form can be downloaded from here!
Conference program:
Conference program is available here!